To mark St Mungo’s 50th anniversary year we are challenging our supporters to do 50 things to help us end homelessness. We have seen everything from dog hiking to art exhibitions as part of our 50@50 campaign

Now it is time for us to join together for our biggest 50@50 challenge yet. We need the help of our staff, supporters, volunteers and clients more than ever as St Mungo’s challenges you to Run To The Moon.

One Small Step

One small step for man 50 years ago on 20 July 1969 marked one giant leap for mankind. In that same year a group of volunteers decided to do something to help homeless people, forming St Mungo’s and marking one small step towards ending homelessness in the UK. Fifty years on and the technology revolution is accelerating at a rapid rate whilst the gravity of issues surrounding homelessness shows little sign of relenting.



The Challenge

The distance to the moon is 238,855 miles. Over the course of 164 days (July 20 to Dec 31) we need to run a combined average of 1,455 miles per day. To do this you will need to link up with Strava or RunKeeper and get as many comrades running as possible.

There is no fundraising obligation or minimum distance for this challenge. We want to unite staff, clients, volunteers and supporters to remember those who have been involved with St Mungo’s in the past and to consider those who need our help now.

You are welcome to clock up the miles by walking, running, handcycling, via wheelchair, or any other way that the required fitness tracker will allow you. Every person who joins the challenge will appear on the shared event page with a combined total counter for miles travelled and a leader board for those who have contributed the most.

Virtual Events

It might sound like a new series of Black Mirror but virtual events are no longer something of the future – they are taking over the world of fundraising.

We understand that you might want to support a cause, but getting to a specific place at a specific time and raising a set amount before a deadline just doesn’t always work out. That’s why more and more people are getting on board with virtual events – they fit around your lifestyle.

We have teamed up with the fundraising platform GivePenny to develop a challenge that uses their ability to integrate with the fitness tracking apps you might already use, like Strava and Runkeeper, so you can challenge yourself and raise money as and when it suits you.

How To Sign Up

Follow the small steps below and sign up to St Mungo’s Race To The Moon challenge:

1. Sign up by following the ‘Join Campaign’ link on our GivePenny event page
2. Download the fitness tracking apps Strava or RunKeeper. If you already use a different fitness tracking device you should be able to sync it with Strava.
3. Get running.
4. Share your page and encourage others to join the challenge.

Have some fun and challenge your friends, family or colleagues to join us as we launch St Mungo’s into outer space. If you have been inspired to get involved or set-up your own 50@50 challenge, get in touch with our dedicated events team at