The annual London Marathon is the UK’s biggest fundraising event of the year. Ahead of the 2019 race, we caught up with two of the smallest fundraisers of the year, Alex (6) and Nicholas (8), who are taking on the London Marathon course by walking it with their dad the day before the official race.

Why have you decided to walk the London Marathon? Whose idea was it?

Nicholas wanted to fundraise for St Mungo’s so Dad suggested we walk the London Marathon course.

Have you managed to go on many training walks?

Lots. We started back in November.

What are you looking forward to most about the walk?

Seeing all the sights in London: the Cutty Sark, London Eye, Tower Bridge, Canary Wharf, Tower of London, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.

Where is your favourite place to walk?

N: By a river as it is peaceful.
A: Near flowers so I can smell them.

Image: Nicholas and Alex walk the London Marathon

We have heard Alex and Nicholas like to collect objects whilst walking. What is your favourite thing you have collected so far?N: Sticks and golf balls.

N: Sticks and golf balls.
A: A coconut shell.

Why did you choose to fundraise for St Mungo’s?

We have chosen to fundraise for St Mungo’s because we have seen homeless people struggling on the streets and want to help them.

Do you think homelessness is a big problem in the area that you live?

There are a few homeless people where we live and we see a lot more in bigger towns like High Wycombe.

What do you hope St Mungo’s will be able to do with the money you raise?

Pay for shelters and food, as well as for training people so they are better able to get jobs.

Have you got a message to our London Marathon runners who will be running the day after?

A: Keep going especially when it is hard.
N: Even if you are small, you can achieve great things.

Alex and Nicholas will start the course with their dad, Tom, at 7am on Saturday 27 April and aim to complete it by 7pm the same day. They have their own Twitter page and have already exceeded their £1,000 fundraising target on their JustGiving page.

The 2019 London Marathon is set to exceed £1 billion in donations raised for good causes during Race Week. Every year we are blown away by the commitment of our supporters to raise money whilst training for the race of a lifetime, and we wish everyone (big or small) the best of luck for this weekend!

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