St Mungo’s Response to the 2024 King’s Speech

Today was the state opening of Parliament, marking the start of the first parliamentary session for the new government. The King’s Speech set out the new government’s legislative agenda for the coming year.

With close to 4,000 people sleeping on the streets every night, and almost 80,000 households experiencing homelessness or at risk of it, ending homelessness crisis must be prioritised by the new government.

We were pleased to hear that the government will be legislating in a number of key areas which could have a positive impact on people experiencing homelessness.

We welcome the plans to accelerate the delivery of housing as well as introducing greater rights and protections for people renting their homes including keeping pets, through the Renters’ Rights Bill. Increasing the supply of affordable and social housing, as well as improving affordability and security of tenure in the private rented sector will be key to reducing homelessness for the long-term.

We were pleased that the government reaffirmed its commitment to making work pay through the Employment Rights Bill. Employment is a vital for a person’s recovery out of homelessness, but the current welfare system creates barriers to work for people in supported housing.

The government also committed to modernising the asylum and immigration system through the Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill. With record numbers of people rough sleeping who have left home office accommodation, it is clear the system needs reform.

It was also encouraging to hear that the government wants the NHS to be a service for all with care being given on the basis of need, as well as ensuring that mental health has the same focus as physical health through the Mental Health Bill. Unmet health and care needs can be both a cause and a consequence of homelessness. In order to tackle the homelessness crisis, it is essential that these unmet needs are addressed.

We welcome the positive developments set out today. There is now much to do both in delivering the commitments made today and the wider set of activity to end the current homelessness crisis. We want to work with the new government and share our clients’ voices and our service expertise, to help end homelessness for good. We will continue to press the government on our policy priorities, including the need to guarantee ongoing funding for services, which over 50,000 of our supporters agreed was a fundamental first step to ensuring an already terrible situation doesn’t get worse.

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