Many homeless people can face chronic health problems, some of which may finally lead to palliative services or hospitals. Our Palliative Care Service was set up in 2008 in partnership with Marie Curie Cancer Care, and with original funding from the Department of Health.

We support clients to make informed choices about their care, as well as supporting staff and other clients affected by the psychological and emotional aspects of approaching the end of life. We also train staff to help them deal with end of life issues including bereavement support and identifying when a client may be dying. Since the service was founded we have provided more than 190 residents with end-of-life care support including bereavement support. This has created opportunities for residents to stay longer at home, feel supported emotionally, as well as allowing them the opportunity to make their wishes and preferences known.

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Resource pack

An online toolkit – – has been created by a unique research partnership between Pathway and the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research department (UCL) in collaboration with St Mungo’s and Coordinate My Care.


My Life, My Choices: This leaflet focusses on how to provide quality end of life care for residents, and discusses rights, treatment and how to communicate sensitively.


End-of-life care for homeless people: A qualitative analysis exploring the challenges to access and provision of palliative care (Palliative Medicine, July 2017)
